Pwevalence and nature of connexin 26 mutations in children

Kerryn Saunders, M Kelly,Amelia H Osborn,Barbara Cone-Wesson, Julia L Wunderl ich, iree Du Sart, ia Kamarinos, Robert, McKinlay Gardner,Shirley Dennehy, Robert Wi lliamson,Neil Vallance


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MurdoehChildren' . Research Ins titute, Victorian Clinical Gen eticsService, and Department01 PaediatriCi. Univer&ity 01 Melbourne,Royal Children' s Hospital, Melbourne, VIC. Hans-Henrik M Dahl, PhD,ucscere. NHMRC Principal Research Fellow; Therese M Kelly, BSc(HonS), DipAud, Audiologist; Amelia H Osborn, BAppSci, Research Assistant; Stephen Wilcox, BSc(Hons). PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow; Desiree Du Sart , BSc(Hons), PhD, Head 01 the DNA Diagnostic Laboratory; Marla Kamarln os, BSc(Hons}, PhD Student; Robert J McKinlay Gardner, MBChB, FRACP, Clinical Geneticist; Robert Willi amson, PhD, FRS, Professor. Department of Paediatrics, SouthernHealth and Monash University, Melbourne, VIC. Kerryn Saunders, FRACP. Consultant Paediatrician. Department of Audiology, Southern Health, Melbourne , VIC. JUlia L Wunderlic h, BSc(Hons), DipAud, Audiologist Department of [NT and Head and Neck Surgery, Southern Health, Melbourne, VIC, Nell Vallance, MB BS, FRACS, Head of Department, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne , VIC, Barbara COne-Wesso n, PhD, eCe-A, Professor of AudiOlogyand Speech Sciences. Taralye, 137 BlackblJrn Road, M elbourne, VIC. Shirley Dennehy, MEdPsych, DipAud, Director of Services The Deafn ess Cenue, The Children's Ho spital at Westmead, Sydney, NSW. Patricia Mutton, BSc(Med), FRACP, Deafness Centre Coordinator (Paediatrician). Reprints Will not be available from the auuosr. Correspondence: Associate ProfeSSOI H-H M Daht, MurdOCh Children's Research Instilute, Royal Children's Hospital, Parkville. VIC 3052. dahl@cryptic.rcll.unimelb,
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