Path analysis under multi-trait BLUP for the cotton breeding

Alves Rodrigo Silva,João Romero do Amaral Santos de Carvalho Rocha, Larissa Pereira,Ribeiro Teodoro, Paulo Eduardo Teodoro,Luiz Paulo de Carvalho, Francisco José, Correia Farias, Marcos Deon Vilela de Resende,Leonardo Lopes Bhering


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Multiple-trait best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) is generally the most appropriate method to predict genetic values because it considers the genetic and residual correlations among traits and leads to higher selective accuracy. Thus, the aim of the present study was to analyze the interrelationships among traits related to cotton fiber length through path analysis under multiple-trait BLUP. To that end, 36 elite lines were evaluated in three environments and phenotyped for fiber quality and agronomic traits. Variance components were estimated via residual maximum likelihood (REML). The genetic correlation coefficients among traits were obtained through the mixed model output, and a correlation network was constructed to graphically express these results. Subsequently, path analysis was performed considering fiber length as the main dependent variable. Genetic parameters indicate that the phenotypic variance for most traits is mainly composed of residual effects, which reinforces the need for more accurate statistical methods, such as multiple-trait BLUP. The results for genetic correlations and path analysis reveal the difficulty of selection based on important fiber quality traits, especially fiber length, since most traits show a low cause-and-effect relationship, while other important traits have an undesirable cause-andeffect relationship. Path analysis under multiple-trait BLUP proved to be suitable and useful for studying interrelationships among traits related to cotton fiber length.
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