mmWave Path-loss, Joint Rain and Gas losses Effect Analysis Based on ITU Street Canyons Scenarios


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Future revolutionary applications will require greater data rates and lower latency than what fifth-generation networks (5G) will offer [1]. This requires new thinking, and advances in devices, circuits, software, signal processing, and systems. One such promising solution for beyond 5G is to use high frequency millimetre wave (mmWave) band to improve data rates with lower latency [1]. Recently, the study in [2] demonstrates the cosharing of frequency bands above 100 GHz for terrestrial and satellite systems. It shows that there will be likely no interference among satellite sensors and terrestrial terminals conditioned on elevation angles for terrestrial emitters. In [3], [4], the authors discuss the challenges and opportunities for high frequency mmWave band. They further discuss different channel characteristics for frequencies greater than 100 GHz. Similarly, indoor channel measurements at mmWave and sub terahertz (sub-THz) can be found in [5]. Due to smaller wavelength at higher frequencies, atmospheric factors, such as rain, humidity, oxygen and pressure-induced nitrogen impact the signal strength significantly [6-8]. This motivates us to perform path-loss analysis (for higher frequencies) while assuming atmospheric losses along with various path-loss propagations models. In this work, we evaluate and compare sitegeneral and site-specific (mmWave propagation) models under the street-canyons scenario [6]. For mmWave propagation, we further calculate rain and gas losses using the procedure given in [7] and [8], respectively. Our analysis show that mmWave propagation models suffer higher pathlosses as compared with site general models due to additional rain and gas attenuations.
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