Notification of syphilis acquired in a regional health superintendence of south minas gerais*

Grazielle Miranda Freitas,M. C. Nascimento, Edilaine Assunção Caetano de, Loyola,A. Tavares, D. Nogueira,F. Terra


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Objective: To evaluate the notifications of syphilis cases acquired at a Regional Health Superintendence of Southern Minas Gerais. Method: A descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study of the 294 syphilis cases reported between January 2010 and June 2017. In the collection an instrument elaborated by the researchers was used and the data were analyzed with the Pearson chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test. Odds ratio variables were estimated with a confidence interval of 95%. Results: There was a higher frequency of people aged 20 to 35 years old, 162 (55.1%); male, 203 (69%); complete high school education, 58 (19.7%); non-treponemal reagent test result, 256 (87.1%), 156 (53.1%); tertiary phase clinical classification, 89 (30.3%). The gender variable was significantly associated with sexual behavior (p<0.001). Conclusion: The assessment of the notifications was achieved, which may favor early detection, appropriate diagnosis and prompt treatment to the person. DESCRIPTORS: Health Information Systems; Disease Notification; Syphilis; Epidemiological Monitoring; Nursing. HOW TO REFERENCE THIS ARTICLE: Freitas GM, Nascimento MC do, Loyola EAC de, Tavares AS, Nogueira DA,Terra F de S. Notification of syphilis acquired in a regional health superintendence of South Minas Gerais. Cogitare enferm. [Internet]. 2019 [access “insert day, monh and year”]; 24. Available at: 1Nurse. Master student in Nursing. Federal University of Alfenas. Alfenas, MG, Brazil. 2Nurse. PhD in Nursing. Nursing Professor at the Federal University of Alfenas. Alfenas, MG, Brazil. 3Nurse. PhD in Sciences. Professor at José do Rosário Vellano University. Alfenas, MG, Brazil. 4Geographer. PhD Student in Applied Geosciences. University of Brasília. Brasilia, DF, Brazil. 5Statistical. PhD in Statistics and Agricultural Experimentation. Professor at the Federal University of Alfenas. Alfenas, MG, Brazil. 6Nurse. PhD in Nursing. Nursing Professor at the Federal University of Alfenas. Alfenas, MG, Brazil. *Article taken from the master’s dissertation “Notification of syphilis acquired at a Regional Health Superintendence of southern Minas Gerais”. Federal University of Alfenas, 2019. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Grazielle Miranda Freitas1, Murilo César do Nascimento2, Edilaine Assunção Caetano de Loyola3, André Silva Tavares4, Denismar Alves Nogueira5, Fábio de Souza Terra6 Cogitare enferm. 24: e62274, 2019
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