Genetic, Epigenetic, Genomic and Microbial Approaches to Enhance Salt Tolerance of Plants: A Comprehensive Review


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Simple Summary Globally, soil salinity, which refers to salt-affected soils, is increasing due to various environmental factors and human activities. Soil salinity poses one of the most serious challenges in the field of agriculture as it significantly reduces the growth and yield of crop plants, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Over the last few decades, several studies have been carried out to understand plant biology in response to soil salinity stress with a major emphasis on genetic and other hereditary components. Based on the outcome of these studies, several approaches are being followed to enhance plants' ability to tolerate salt stress while still maintaining reasonable levels of crop yields. In this manuscript, we comprehensively list and discuss various biological approaches being followed and, based on the recent advances in the field of molecular biology, we propose some new approaches to improve salinity tolerance of crop plants. The global scientific community can make use of this information for the betterment of crop plants. This review also highlights the importance of maintaining global soil health to prevent several crop plant losses. Globally, soil salinity has been on the rise owing to various factors that are both human and environmental. The abiotic stress caused by soil salinity has become one of the most damaging abiotic stresses faced by crop plants, resulting in significant yield losses. Salt stress induces physiological and morphological modifications in plants as a result of significant changes in gene expression patterns and signal transduction cascades. In this comprehensive review, with a major focus on recent advances in the field of plant molecular biology, we discuss several approaches to enhance salinity tolerance in plants comprising various classical and advanced genetic and genetic engineering approaches, genomics and genome editing technologies, and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR)-based approaches. Furthermore, based on recent advances in the field of epigenetics, we propose novel approaches to create and exploit heritable genome-wide epigenetic variation in crop plants to enhance salinity tolerance. Specifically, we describe the concepts and the underlying principles of epigenetic recombinant inbred lines (epiRILs) and other epigenetic variants and methods to generate them. The proposed epigenetic approaches also have the potential to create additional genetic variation by modulating meiotic crossover frequency.
salinity stress, genomics breeding, epiRIL, genome editing, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, genetic engineering
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