Trends in Male Contraceptive Use in Ghana: An Analysis of Self-Reported Contraceptive Use from GDHS 2003, 2008 & 2014

Research Square (Research Square)(2020)

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Abstract Background Male participation in contraception is proven to have positive outcomes on reproductive health and remains a critical issue of public health importance. However, there dearth of evidence on male contraceptive use is in Ghana. Knowledge of the trends and trajectories of male contraceptive use could inform programmatic interventions to boost male contraceptive use for effective fertility control. Thus, this study sought to examine the trends in male contraceptive use using the three most recent Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in Ghana in 2003, 2008 and 2014. Methods This paper examines trends in self-reported contraceptive use among sexually active Ghanaian males, using data from the three most recent national Demographic and Health Surveys (2003, 2008 and 2014). Frequency distributions of socio-demographic and background characteristics were used to describe the sample by each survey year. The Z test of proportions was used to identify significant differences in the estimated proportions and subgroups of male contraceptive use by survey year. The Combined data from the three nationally representative surveys were analysed, accruing a sample of 9,008, comprising (GDHS 2003=3,104; GDHS 2008=3,007; and GDHS 2014=2,897) male respondents who met the inclusion criteria. Results Male contraceptive use appears to have declined over the last three demographic surveys despite an increase in the proportion of sexually active males. A significant proportion of male contraception users (44.5% - 41.5%) still relied on the male condom as their primary contraception choice. Place of residence, educational attainment, occupation, region of residence and religious affiliation were all found to be significantly associated with male contraceptive use consistency. Conclusions There has been a significant decrease in contraceptive use by Ghanaian men between 2003 and 2014. The male condom appears to be the dominant modern male contraceptive method, especially during adolescence, but along the life course contraceptive use shifts towards modern female methods. There is a need for family planning service providers, policymakers and all relevant stakeholders to consciously target men with contraceptive products and services. Focusing programmes and policies towards improving men’s contraceptive use is an imperative for effective fertility regulation. Key Words: Trend Analysis, Male Contraception, Family Planning, Ghana
contraceptive use,male contraceptive use,ghana,trends,self-reported
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