The construction of a haplotype reference panel using extremely low coverage whole genome sequences and its application in genome-wide association studies and genomic prediction in Duroc pigs.


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Extremely low coverage whole genome sequencing (lcWGS) is an economical technique to obtain high-density single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Here, we explored the feasibility of constructing a haplotype reference panel (lcHRP) using lcWGS and evaluated the effects of lcHRP through a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and genomic prediction in pigs. A total of 297 and 974 Duroc pigs were genotyped using lcWGS and a 50 K SNP array, respectively. We obtained 19,306,498 SNPs using lcWGS with an accuracy of 0.984. With the help of lcHRP, the accuracy of imputation from the SNP array to lcWGS was 0.922. Compared to the SNP array findings, those from the imputation-based GWAS identified more signals across four traits. With the integration of the top 1% imputation-based GWAS findings as genomic features, the accuracies of genomic prediction was improved by 6.0% to 13.2%. This study showed the great potential of lcWGS in pigs' molecular breeding.
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