CNN-GRU-AM for Shared Bicycles Demand Forecasting.

Computational intelligence and neuroscience(2021)

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The demand forecast of shared bicycles directly determines the utilization rate of vehicles and projects operation benefits. Accurate prediction based on the existing operating data can reduce unnecessary delivery. Since the use of shared bicycles is susceptible to time dependence and external factors, most of the existing works only consider some of the attributes of shared bicycles, resulting in insufficient modeling and unsatisfactory prediction performance. In order to address the aforementioned limitations, this paper establishes a novelty prediction model based on convolutional recurrent neural network with the attention mechanism named as CNN-GRU-AM. There are four parts in the proposed CNN-GRU-AM model. First, a convolutional neural network (CNN) with two layers is used to extract local features from the multiple sources data. Second, the gated recurrent unit (GRU) is employed to capture the time-series relationships of the output data of CNN. Third, the attention mechanism (AM) is introduced to mining the potential relationships of the series features, in which different weights will be assigned to the corresponding features according to their importance. At last, a fully connected layer with three layers is added to learn features and output the prediction results. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we conducted massive experiments on two datasets including a real mobile bicycle data and a public shared bicycle data. The experimental results show that the prediction performance of the proposed model is better than other prediction models, indicating the significance of the social benefits.
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