Presynaptic Mitochondrial Volume and Packing Density Scale with Presynaptic Power Demand


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Stable neural function requires an energy supply that can meet the intense episodic power demands of neuronal activity. Neurons have presumably optimized the volume of their bioenergetic machinery to ensure these power demands are met, but the relationship between presynaptic power demands and the volume available to the bioenergetic machinery has never been quantified. Here, we estimated the power demands of six motor nerve terminals in female Drosophila larvae through direct measurements of neurotransmitter release and Ca2+ entry, and via theoretical estimates of Na+ entry and power demands at rest. Electron microscopy revealed that terminals with the highest power demands contained the greatest volume of mitochondria, indicating that mitochondria are allocated according to presynaptic power demands. In addition, terminals with the greatest power demand-to-volume ratio (;66 nmol center dot min-1 center dot ml-1) harbor the largest mitochondria packed at the greatest density. If we assume sequential and complete oxidation of glucose by glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, then these mitochondria are required to produce ATP at a rate of 52 nmol center dot min-1 center dot ml-1 at rest, rising to 963 during activity. Glycolysis would contribute ATP at 0.24 nmol center dot min-1 center dot ml-1 of cytosol at rest, rising to 4.36 during activity. These data provide a quantitative framework for presynaptic bioenergetics in situ, and reveal that, beyond an immediate capacity to accelerate ATP output from glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, over longer time periods presynaptic terminals optimize mitochondrial volume and density to meet power demand.
calcium, electron microscopy, energy, mitochondria, oxidative, presynaptic
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