Athletic fitness development with electronic monitoring in older adult


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With advancing age, exercise becomes particularly important to prevent muscle atrophy and to control blood pressure and weight. Today, participation of aging people in athletic competitions is increasingly common. The aim of our case study is to explore and illustrate the health conditions, development and risk factors of competitive sporting activities of late adult and elderly athletes in the age of electronic monitoring and virtual racing. We processed the preparation and participation data of a total of 16 years of marathon races as well as rowing machine races of an elderly male person (age 54-70). Using a sports watch with electronic heart rate and performance monitoring has proved useful not only for keeping the heart rate in target range, but also for assessing trends in the long run. Our case underscores the value of reasonable overload with advancing age; beneficial muscle adaptation occurs when the workload of an exercise exceeds the previously reached level. Gradual exercise of older adults and participation in athletic competitions can not only maintain fitness but also develop valuable additional strength.
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aging/physiology, sarcopenia, athletic performance, athletic injuries, elderly sport
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