Speech Sound Discrimination by Mongolian Gerbils

Hearing Research(2021)

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The present study establishes the Mongolian gerbil ( Meriones unguiculatus ) as a model for investigating the perception of human speech sounds. We report data on the discrimination of logatomes (CVCs1 - consonant-vowel-consonant combinations with outer consonants /b/, /d/, /s/ and /t/ and central vowels /a/, /a:/, /ε/, /e:/, /I/, /i:/, /ɔ/, /o:/, /℧/ and /u:/, VCVs2 - vowel-consonant-vowel combinations with outer vowels /a/, /I/ and /℧/ and central consonants /b/, /d/, /f/, /g/, /k/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /p/, /s/, /t/ and /v/) by young gerbils. Four young gerbils were trained to perform an oddball target detection paradigm in which they were required to discriminate a deviant CVC or VCV in a sequence of CVC or VCV standards, respectively. The experiments were performed with an ICRA-1 noise masker with speech-like spectral properties, and logatomes of multiple speakers were presented at various signal-to-noise ratios. Response latencies were measured to generate perceptual maps employing multidimensional scaling, which visualize the gerbils’ internal representations of the sounds. The dimensions of the perceptual maps were correlated to multiple phonetic features of the speech sounds for evaluating which features of vowels and consonants are most important for the discrimination. The perceptual representation of vowels and consonants in gerbils was similar to that of humans, although gerbils needed higher signal-to-noise ratios for the discrimination of speech sounds than humans. The gerbils’ discrimination of vowels depended on differences in the frequencies of the first and second formant determined by tongue height and position. Consonants were discriminated based on differences in combinations of their articulatory features. The similarities in the perception of logatomes by gerbils and humans renders the gerbil a suitable model for human speech sound discrimination. Highlights ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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