Socioeconomic and sociodemographic determinants associated with fruit and vegetable consumption among mothers and homes of schoolchildren in Jalisco


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Introduction: increasing fruit and vegetable consumption is a priority. It has been prioritized as a fundamental objective of public policies worldwide. Given that such consumption in schoolchildren in Jalisco (Mexico) is below the dietary recommendations it is crucial to identify the determinants that influence this consumption to promote the development of contextualized actions that improve it. Objective: to identify the socioeconomic and sociodemographic determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among mothers and households of schoolchildren in Jalisco, Mexico. Method: an analytical, cross-sectional study carried out during the first quarter of 2020. A validated food consumption frequency and a questionnaire on sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors were used for its development. Results: a lower educational level of the mothers of schoolchildren was associated with a lower consumption of vegetables by schoolchildren. In turn, a lower household income level was associated with a lower consumption of fruits in schoolchildren. Conclusions: a low educational level of mothers and a low household income were determinants associated with fruit and vegetable consumption in schoolchildren. However, there were differences in the determinants for fruits and vegetables. It is essential to consider these factors and their differences in order to plan actions that contribute to improving fruit and vegetable intake in the school population.
Eating behavior, Educational, Educational level, Job occupation
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