Neural Points: Point Cloud Representation with Neural Fields


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In this paper, we propose \emph{Neural Points}, a novel point cloud representation. Unlike traditional point cloud representation where each point only represents a position or a local plane in the 3D space, each point in Neural Points represents a local continuous geometric shape via neural fields. Therefore, Neural Points can express much more complex details and thus have a stronger representation ability. Neural Points is trained with high-resolution surface containing rich geometric details, such that the trained model has enough expression ability for various shapes. Specifically, we extract deep local features on the points and construct neural fields through the local isomorphism between the 2D parametric domain and the 3D local patch. In the final, local neural fields are integrated together to form the global surface. Experimental results show that Neural Points has powerful representation ability and demonstrate excellent robustness and generalization ability. With Neural Points, we can resample point cloud with arbitrary resolutions, and it outperforms state-of-the-art point cloud upsampling methods by a large margin.
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Vision + graphics, Low-level vision, Representation learning, RGBD sensors and analytics
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