DALI (Diversity AnaLysis Interface): a novel tool for the integrated analysis of multimodal single cell RNAseq data and immune receptor profiling.


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Single-cell RNA sequencing is instrumental to unravel the cellular and transcriptomic heterogeneity of T and B cells in health and disease. Recent technological advances add additional layers of information allowing researchers to simultaneously explore the transcriptomic, surface protein and immune receptor diversity during adaptive immune responses. The increasing data complexicity poses a burden on the workload for bioinformaticians, who are often not familiar with the specificities and biology of immune receptor profiling. The wet-lab modalities and sequencing capabilities currently have outpaced bioinformatics solutions, which forms an ever-increasing barrier for many biologists to analyze their datasets. Here, we present DALI (Diversity AnaLysis Interface), a software package to identify and analyze T cell and B cell receptor diversity in high-throughput single-cell sequencing data. DALI aims to support bioinformaticians with a functional toolbox, allowing seamless integration of multimodel scRNAseq and immune receptor profiling data. The R-based package builds further on workflows using the Seurat package and other existing tools for BCR/TCR analyses. In addition, DALI is designed to engage immunologists having limited coding experience with their data, using a browser-based interactive graphical user interface. The implementation of DALI can effectively lead to a two-way communication between wet-lab scientists and bioinformaticians to advance the analysis of complex datasets. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
diversity analysis interface,diversity analysis
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