Establishing clinical remission criteria for giant cell arteritis: Results of a Delphi exercise carried out by an expert panel of the Japan Research Committee of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare for Intractable Vasculitis


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Abstract Objective To develop a proposal for giant cell arteritis (GCA) remission criteria in order to implement a treat-to-target algorithm. Methods A task force consisting of 10 rheumatologists, three cardiologists, one nephrologist, and one cardiac surgeon was established in the Large-vessel Vasculitis Group of the Japanese Research Committee of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for Intractable Vasculitis to conduct a Delphi survey of remission criteria for GCA. The survey was circulated among the members over four reiterations with four face-to-face meetings. Items with a mean score of ≥4 were extracted as items for defining remission criteria. Results An initial literature review yielded a total of 117 candidate items for disease activity domains and treatment/comorbidity domains of remission criteria, of which 35 were extracted as disease activity domains (systematic symptoms, signs and symptoms of cranial and large-vessel area, inflammatory markers, and imaging findings). For the treatment/comorbidity domain, ≤5 mg/day of prednisolone one year after starting GCs was extracted. The definition of achievement of remission was the disappearance of active disease in the disease activity domain, normalization of inflammatory markers, and ≤5mg/day of prednisolone. Conclusions We developed proposals for remission criteria to guide the implementation of a treat-to-target algorithm for GCA.
Takayasu arteritis, remission criteria, treat-to-target algorithm, Delphi exercise
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