Systemic corticosteroid as an adjunctive treatment for lower respiratory tract infection in children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities.

Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy(2021)

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INTRODUCTION:Children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities (SMID) are susceptible to severe lower respiratory tract infection (LTRI). As SMID patients are prone to develop recurrent wheezing and are often diagnosed with bronchial asthma, they frequently receive systemic corticosteroids as an adjunctive treatment for LRTIs. However, the efficacy of corticosteroid therapy for LTRIs in SMID children is unclear. We investigated whether or not corticosteroid therapy was associated with better clinical outcomes for SMID children with LRTIs. METHODS:Our retrospective study enrolled 217 SMID children 1-15 years old hospitalized for LTRIs. We compared the clinical characteristics and outcomes between patients with and without corticosteroid therapy. RESULTS:Of the 217 patients, 29 (13.3%) received corticosteroid therapy. The proportion of patients with a history of bronchial asthma was higher and LRTI was more severe in patients with corticosteroid therapy than in those without the therapy. The length of hospital stay (LOHS) was significantly longer in patients with corticosteroid therapy (median 13 days) than in those without corticosteroid therapy (median 9 days) (P = 0.02). The same tendency was shown for the LOHS in patients with severe or moderate LRTI, although not to a significant extent. CONCLUSION:Systemic corticosteroid therapy was not associated with better clinical outcomes in SMID children with LRTIs, even if the patients suffer from severe LRTIs. Corticosteroids should be used cautiously for LRTIs in SMID children because bronchial asthma is likely to be overdiagnosed in these children.
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