Pupil replication waveguide system for autostereoscopic imaging with a wide field of view


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Augmented reality head-up displays (HUDs) require virtual-object distance matching to the real scene along an adequate field of view (FoV). At the same time, pupil-replication-based waveguide systems provide a wide FoV while affording compact HUDs. To provide 3D imaging and enable virtual-object distance matching in such waveguide systems, we propose a time-sequential autostereoscopic imaging architecture using a synchronized multi-view picture generation and eyebox formation units. Our simulation setup to validate the system feasibility yields an FoV of 15 degrees x 7.5 degrees with clear crosstalk-less images with a resolution of 60 pix/deg for each eye. Our proof-of-concept prototype with reduced specs yields results that are consistent with the simulation in terms of the viewing-zone formation. Thus, viewing zones for the left and right eyes in plane of the eyebox can be clearly observed. Finally, we discuss how the initial distance of the virtual image can be set for quantified fatigue-free 3D imaging, and an FoV can be further extended in such types of waveguide systems by varying parameters of the eyebox formation unit. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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Stereoscopic Displays,Near-Eye Displays,Holographic Displays,In Vivo Imaging,Three-Dimensional Imaging
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