Older Adults And Outdoor Physical Activity Equipment: A Social Ecological Analysis


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Outdoor adult playgrounds (OAPs) have in some cases been in socioeconomically underserved neighbourhoods to improve community members' access to physical activity infrastructure. Older adults have been identified as one population group who could particularly benefit from OAP equipment. The purpose of this study was to explore and identify the social ecological factors that influenced older adults' uptake of an OAP installed in a neighbourhood of low-socioeconomic status. We employed the social ecological model (SEM) using a case study design and argue that the OAP's location may help to lower inequalities in access to physical activity infrastructure. We end this paper with a discussion into all-ages and age-friendly policy as they relate to OAPs and suggest novel ways of activating municipal parks for seniors.
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qualitative case studies, built environment, physical activity, older adults
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