The role of feedback on interview self-efficacy and outcome expectations


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Applicants' self-cognitions toward selection procedures are decisive to produce favorable outcomes. Drawing upon the career self-management model, this study explored the impact of performance feedback after a simulated employment interview on interview self-efficacy (ISE) and outcome expectations. Participants (a sample of recent graduates; N = 240) were given timely feedback after the simulated interview with suggestions to improve their performance. The interviewer's feedback was positively related to participants' ISE measured after the feedback. A significant relationship between participants' ISE and outcome expectations emerged. Feedback was related to outcome expectations only indirectly, via ISE. This study contributes to existing knowledge about ISE and provides practitioners with hints to help job seekers to master job search in troubled times. Practitioner notes Interview self-efficacy is a major predictor of performance in the employment interview. We show that performance feedback enhances interview self-efficacy and outcome expectations. Job seekers in training should be given meaningful feedback to raise their interview self-efficacy.
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career self-management model, employment interview, feedback, interview self-efficacy, personnel selection, social cognitive theory
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