Molar Protraction On An Adult With Severe High-Angle Class Iii Malocclusion And Knife-Edge Residual Ridges


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Outcome: This case reports the successful treatment of a 40-year-old female with a skeletal Class III malocclusion and knife-edge residual ridges by successfully protracting the lower molars orthodontically.Objectives: On a long-standing extraction space, resorption results in a decrease in the vertical height of the bone, but more importantly, remodelling produces a buccolingual narrowing of the alveolar process as well. Moving teeth into this area is considered almost impossible due to the anatomical limitations. This case places special emphasis on factors to be considered while levelling the curve of Spee on a patient with a very steep mandibular plane, by controlling posterior teeth extrusion, and at the same time elaborates on the biomechanics of molar protraction.Conclusion: In all, the apt use of calculated biomechanical strategies helped in achieving an acceptable, functional and esthetic occlusion in a conservative non-surgical line of treatment.
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Key words
Class III, Molar protraction, Residual ridge resorption, Steep mandibular plane, TADs
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