Differential Diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension Using the Example of Collagenosis-associated PAH in the Context of Chronic Lung and Left Heart Disease

H. H. Leuchte, M. Halank, M. Held,M. Borst, R. Ewert, H. Klose, T. J. Lange,F. J. Meyer, D. Skowasch, H. Wilkens,H-J Seyfarth


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Pulmonary hypertension (PH) can be diagnosed in the context of connective tissue diseases (CTD) as well as in elderly patients with multiple comorbidities. A correct clinical differential diagnosis and classification is essential before adequate therapeutic decisions can be made. Differential diagnosis of PH in CTD comprises associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (APAH), group 2 or 3 PH (PH arising from left heart or chronic lung disease), chronic throm- boembolic PH (PH) and group 5 (e.g. in the context of terminal renal insufficiency). This is also true of elderly patients in whom the decision has to be made if the increasing number of coincident diseases lead to PH or have to be interpreted as comorbidities. In this manuscript, the differential diagnosis of PH is elucidated, focusing on CTD, in the context of left heart disease and chronic lung disease. Furthermore, criteria are presented facilitating an objective approach in this context.
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