Numerical investigation of blowing ratio, density ratio and axial position of film holes on the vane endwall film cooling effectiveness with upstream step


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The aerothermal performance of interrupted slot and film holes was numerically investigated. Previous study indicates that the interrupted slot performs better compared to the conventional slot. In the meanwhile, the step formed along with the interrupted slot affects the film cooling characteristics. In this article, a row of film holes is arranged downstream of the step, and the mass flow rate for the interrupted slot is constant at 1%. Blowing ratio (BR) from 0.5 to 1.5 and density ratio from 1 to 2 were studied for the film holes. Endwall film cooling effectiveness distribution indicates that film cooling is easily affected by the secondary flow inside passage and the upstream step. Coolant traces are split into two parts due to the effects of step vortex and transverse flow. For different density ratios, increasing BR shows a different trend of film cooling effectiveness due to the variation of coolant momentum. The coolant jet is easily affected by the secondary flow when its momentum is low, but tends to liftoff when its momentum is too high. As a result, it is better to position the film holes far away from the upstream step. The total pressure loss coefficient distribution at the passage exit indicates that the coolant injection increases the total pressure loss. But density ratio has smaller effect on the loss variation. Besides, two axial positions of cooling holes were studied to improve the endwall cooling performance. Without the effect of step vortex, the film effectiveness of cooling holes is improved.
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Key words
Film cooling, secondary flow, blowing ratio, density ratio, upstream step
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