Centennial Review: Metabolic Microrna- Shifting Gears In The Regulation Of Metabolic Pathways In Poultry


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Over 20 yr ago, a small noncoding class of RNA termed microRNA (miRNA) that was able to recognize sequences in mRNAs and inhibit their translation was discovered in Caenorhabditis elegans. In the intervening years, miRNA have been discovered in most eukaryotes and are now known to regulate the majority of protein-coding genes. It has been discovered that disruption of miRNA function often leads to the development of pathological conditions. One physiological system under extensive miRNA-mediated regulation is metabolism. Metabolism is one of the most dynamic of biological networks within multiple organs, including the liver, muscle, and adipose tissue, working in concert to respond to ever-changing nutritional cues and energy demands. Therefore, it is not surprising that miRNA regulate virtually all aspects of eukaryotic metabolism and have been linked to metabolic disorders, such as obesity, fatty liver diseases, and diabetes, just to name a few. Chickens, and birds in general, face their own unique metabolic challenges, particularly after hatching, when their metabolism must completely transform from using lipid-rich yolk to carbohydrate-rich feed as fuel in a very short period of time. Furthermore, commercial poultry breeds have undergone extensive selection over the last century for more desirable production traits, which has resulted in numerous metabolic consequences. Here, we review the current knowledge of miRNA-mediated regulation of metabolic development and function in chickens.
metabolism, microRNA, growth, next-generation sequencing
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