Yield And Postharvest Of 'Brs Platina' Banana Not Irrigated Under Different Types Of Soil Mulches


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Banana (Musa spp.) is a crop with outstanding economic and social expression throughout the world. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different mulches types in growth production and postharvest of banana 'BRS Platina' not irrigated. The experiment was conducted in the farm of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). Micropropagated banana plants of the cultivar BRS were planted in the field with a spacing of 2.5 x 3.0 m (1333 plants .ha(-1)), without irrigation. About 20 days after planting, different mulches were installed: black polyethylene films, double-sided polyethylene films (white and black), organic mulch (from the own crop) and control (bare soil). The experimental was set up in a randomized block design with four treatments, six blocks and six plants per treatment, totaling 144 plants. Among the six plants used in each treatment, two constituted the border, therefore four plants were evaluated. The analysis performed in the first and second crop were: growth analysis, postharvest quality, production and productivity. Both organic and inorganic (plastic film) mulch provide greater growth and yield of banana 'BRS Platina' not irrigated, in two years of production and can be used in the cultivation of this crop.
plastic film, polyethylene, Musa spp
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