A Monte-Carlo Study On The Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detector (Fntd) Response To Fast Neutrons: Which Information Can Be Obtained By Single Layer And 3d Track Reconstruction Analyses?


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Fluorescence Nuclear Track Detectors (FNTDs) are part of a new technology developed for particle detection and applicable to personal neutron dosimetry. The objective of this study is to simulate the FNTD fast neutron response to: (i) assess and understand the performance of the existing neutron dosimeter design (Landauer Inc.) and its associated single layer track-spots analysis; and (ii) evaluate the potential information that can be obtained by the analysis of the 3D reconstructed recoil proton trajectories. To achieve that, a FLUKA Monte Carlo (MC) model of the current FNTD design was developed and the FNTD response was investigated for monoenergetic neutrons and the Cf-252 and (AmBe)-Am-241 neutron sources. The investigation of the recoil proton densities behind the different converters showed that the single layer analysis and dose calculation algorithm, based on the comparison and subtraction of the track densities behind the different converters, works properly only up to neutron energies similar to 13 MeV. Above this neutron energies, recoil protons generated in the detector housing (PE) have a range larger than the thickness of the PTFE and Li-6-enriched glass, reaching the FTND and, therefore, adding to the signal in these detection regions and influencing the secondary electron discrimination and the energy determination algorithm. MC simulations show that the FNTD 3D reconstructed recoil proton tracks can provide estimates of the irradiation angles and average neutron energy. The results show that the angle or displacement (dX/dZ or dY/dZ) distributions of the recoil proton tracks can be used to obtain information on irradiation angle; the angle with the detector's normal (polar angle), the most important because of its influences on the FTND sensitivity, can be determined in laboratory and for irradiation angles <60 degrees with an 4 degrees uncertainty already for doses 4.5 mSv in the case of a(214)AmBe neutron irradiation. The neutron field mean energy can also be determined for normal irradiation by analysing the depth distribution of the recoil proton tracks already for a minimum of 150 tracks, or 2.5 mSv for (AmBe)-Am-241, assuming a scanned area is -2.0 mm(2). Therefore, the present study contributes to understanding the performance of the current FNTD design and analysis for neutron dosimetry and investigates a new detector evaluation approach to gain additional information on the irradiation conditions.
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Neutron dosimetry, Fluorescence nuclear track detectors, FLUKA, Recoil proton trajectories
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