Suppressing unsteady motion of shock wave by high-frequency plasma synthetic jet

Chinese Journal of Aeronautics(2021)

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Three Plasma Synthetic Jet Actuators (PSJA) under the high-frequency actuation are used to control the Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction (SWBLI), a high-speed schlieren image processing method based on spatial Fourier transform as well as snapshot proper orthogonal decomposition were used to study the control effect of high-frequency plasma synthetic jet on low-frequency unsteadiness of SWBLI. The analysis of the base flow shows that the separated shock wave actually has both large- and small-amplitude vibrations at low frequency. And the results revealed that the PSJA with an operating frequency of 2 kHz has the ability to reduce the energy of low-frequency component of shock wave motion, indicating that the 2 kHz actuation can effectively suppress low-frequency unsteadiness of the separated wave. Compared with the actuation frequency of 2 kHz, the energy of low-frequency component of the shock wave is enhanced under the 8 kHz actuation, which aggravates the low-frequency unsteady motion of the shock wave. It is likely that the actuation frequency is too high, thus the intensity of the precursor shock wave induced by PSJA becomes weaker. Additionally, as the 4 kHz actuation is applied, the pulsation of the separation region was enhanced, it is speculated that the actuation frequency is coupled with the oscillation frequency of the separation region.
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Key words
Flow control,Plasma synthetic jet,Shock wave/boundary interaction,Supersonic flow,Unsteady motion
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