The Smart Evolution Of Historical Cities: Integrated Innovative Solutions Supporting The Energy Transition While Respecting Cultural Heritage


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Building retrofitting is seen as an efficient method for improving a building's energy performance. On the other hand, when historical buildings are considered for this procedure, retrofitting gets more complicated. As historical buildings typically consist of low-performance building and energy systems, energy retrofits can be highly beneficial. However, not every retrofit technology can be installed in a historical building. In this paper, the study carried out for the implementation of Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) solutions in the Historic Centre of evora is provided, within the framework of the European project POCITYF (Project H2020). The study took into consideration all the observations of the Regional Directorate of Culture of evora and the administration of the involved schools (including the Association of Parents), the needs of the Municipality of evora, and the capabilities of technology developers ONYX and Tegola. The proposed solutions aim at fulfilling all the guidelines for preserving the historic centre and achieving the positivity metrics agreed with the European Commission on the challenging and indispensable path to the decarbonisation of European cities.
smart cities, energy transition, cultural heritage, evora, POCITYF
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