Future public policy guidelines for the sustainable development of Guaviare, Colombia for the year 2035

Jose Luis Camarena, Francisco Javier Javier Osorio Vera,Hector Heraldo Heraldo Rojas Jimenez, Ernesto Borda Medina, Juan Camilo Camilo Esteban Torregroza, Jesus David Tabares-Valencia


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Purpose This paper aims to propose future public policy guidelines (FPPG) in sustainable regional development for Guaviare (Colombia) - a territory affected by environmental and social distress - for the year 2035. Design/methodology/approach Following collective action theory and sustainable regional development literature, a foresight exercise was conducted using site focus groups and semi-structured interviews with local participants to identify future strategic change drivers and the most relevant social actors for the attainment of economic, social and environmental development in the Guaviare through FPPG. Findings The findings suggest that the development of public policies regarding building consensus around Guaviare's economic, environmental and social issues, reducing conflict between the region's cultural and environmental ways, decreasing isolation from the centers of decision-making, increasing the transparency of public institutions and reducing insecurity to attract investments are all crucial to attaining sustainable regional development. Originality/value Interdisciplinarity is implicit in the local perspectives on the problem that impedes sustainable development in San Jose del Guaviare. The paper's main contribution is the long-term vision that breaks away from the traditional short-termism in public policy guidelines in a Latin American context. Methodologically, the significant contribution is the convergent alignment of specific foresight methods toward public policy guidelines' analysis and design processes.
Colombia, Guaviare, Public policy guidelines, Sustainable regional development, Territorial foresight
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