Modeling of Dynamic Processes in Dilute and Dense Gas Suspensions (Review)


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A review of investigations dealing with mathematical and numerical modeling of shock wave and detonation processes in gas suspensions of fine-grained inert or reacting particles is presented. The basic models of mechanics of continuous media that describe dilute and dense gas suspensions are mentioned and analyzed. Models with internal pressure in the particle phase, including those with the description of particle collision dynamics within the framework of molecular-kinetic approaches, are identified. Problems of interphase interaction and equations of state are discussed. Various issues of the qualitative analysis of the characteristic properties of models and theoretical analysis of shock wave structures (conditions on shock waves, classification of shock waves and combined discontinuities) are outlined. Numerical algorithms most widely used for simulations of shock wave processes are mentioned. Some results of numerical studies of the processes of detonation initiation and propagation, interaction of shock waves with clouds and layers of particles, and dispersion of the layers are noted.
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gas suspensions,shock and detonation waves,mathematical and numerical modeling
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