Quality Management In Hemotherapy Services In The Interior Of Rio Grande Do Norte: Analysis Of The Effects Of An Improvement Cycle


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Introduction: Quality management in hemotherapy services is a crucial element for transfusion safety. However, the implementation of quality management is still a challenge in the Brazilian context. Objective: To evaluate the effect of a cycle of improvement in hemotherapy services in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte, in compliance with the quality management criteria, elaborated based on the Potential Risk Assessment Method in Hemotherapy Services. Method: Quasi-experimental study, before and after, that verified the compliance of 13 quality criteria, elaborated based on the Potential Risk Assessment Method in Hemotherapy Services. Eight hemotherapy services from the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Norte participated in the study, being four Transfusion Agencies, two Collection and Transfusion Units and two Regional Blood Centers. Descriptive statistics and Pareto charts were used to analyze the quality criteria. Results: After the improvement cycle, there was a 36.4% reduction in noncompliance. In the analysis by service, there was an increase in compliance with the criteria, varying between 7% and 50%. The implementation of protocols, internal audit procedures and quality monitoring were the criteria that registered relatively greater adherence after the intervention, however they remained the math causes of non-conformities, both before and after the intervention. Conclusions: The improvement cycle proved to be a valid intervention in increasing the adherence of services to the quality management activities recommended by health legislation, with health surveillance having an important role in reaching the established standards.
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Hemotherapy Service, Quality Management, Health Surveillance, Quality Improvement
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