Non-Invasive Measurement of Blood Glucose Biomimetics with the Reflectance Method on Near-Infrared Light Source


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The non-invasive glucose biomarker device is developing to compensate for the epidemiology of sufferers of metabolic syndrome in the world from increase dramatically. Additionally, to eliminate all risks arising from the invasive measurement. The percentage of population sufferers of glucose metabolic syndrome evenly occurs in each developing and developed country. All individual activities and behaviors are the main causes. The device was conducted at the Electronic and Material Physics Laboratory, IPB University. This study used Assayed Chemistry Clinical Control as a sample, UV-cuvettes as a simulation tool, and a probe from a silk-polylactic acid filament. The incident light source biomarker uses near-infrared (NIR) LED 1200 nm, LED 1300 nm, and FDG03-Ge as a photodetector. Data analysis derived from reflectance values in the form of intensities expanded using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The output analysis of both LEDs was 0.99 pearson, 100% clinical accuracy, and the accuracy of measurement was 8.09 mg/dL on the 1200 nm LED, 10.57 mg/dL on the 1300 nm LED. Then the sensitivity value of both LEDs is 1.00, and the specificity of 1200 nm LED is 0.80, LED 1300 nm is 0.70. Refers to the results of this analysis and the gold standard ISO 15197, LED 1200 nm is an ideal candidate for the incident light source biomarker non-invasive reflectance method. Future research expected to do device testing in-vivo.
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