Analysis Of The Energy Efficiency Of The Seawater Desalination Process In The Current And Future Context


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Technically, the reverse osmosis process is very effective in operations as the seawater desalination. Nevertheless, the current challenge is focused on optimizing the energy required by this process. In this paper, using three Chilean plants as an example, an analysis of the Pelton turbines as an energy recovery mechanism for desalination plants is carried out. Isobaric chambers are also proposed as an alternative to improve this process, since the results obtained in the study indicate that the use of this technology improves both the minimum industrial consumption and the optimum one, as well as the energy recovery performance.The margins to reduce the energy consumption in the process are also examined, as well as the current trends in energy efficiency in the sector, showing that the available margins to reduce energy consumption in the mentioned plants are already low.Therefore, in the short term, the possibility of using the isobaric chambers instead of the Pelton turbines is contemplated, with a small reduction in the working preassure, and some improvements in the desalination plants architecture.
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Isobaric chambers, Ideal physical consumption, Minimum industrial consumption, Desalination, Reverse osmosis, Pelton turbines
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