Airplane Headache: An Atypical Case With Autonomic Symptoms And Long Duration


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Airplane Headache (AH) which is classified under headache attributed to disorder of homeostasis in International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD)-3 is a severe, unilateral, orbitofrontal headache that occurs during and caused by airplane travel. It remits after landing. AH cases with autonomic symptoms had rarely been reported. We present a 35-year-old male complained of five attacks of right-sided, unilateral, orbitofrontal headache accompanied with lacrimation, conjunctival injection and eye redness ipsilaterally, starting 20-30 minutes prior to landing. The headache duration varied between 30-90 minutes. AH diagnosis was made in the light of anamnesis and neurological examination. The secondary causes and primary headaches with autonomic symptoms were ruled out. As far as we know this is the first reported longer duration AH case with autonomic symptoms in the literature. AH is an underdiagnosed headache. We report this atypical AH case to call attention to this rare but treatable headache.
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Key words
Airplane, Headache, autonomic symptoms, long duration, rare case
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