Application Of An Open Source E-Learning Platform - Experiences And Suggestions

Anna Nedyalkova,Teodora Bakardjieva, Nickola Lyutov


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This paper presents the results of a project to support lecturers in innovating their training process by the use of e-Learning platform. The aim of the study is to examine the special challenges of application of an open-source e-Learning platform. The start of the project was urged from the high and growing prices for license and service agreements, and the increasing availability of promising open source e-Learning platforms. Mainly, the applied platform has to be flexible, to be easily adjusted to suit changing situations and to be used successfully both in online courses as well as together with traditional teaching. An e-Learning platform is the perfect medium to support the face-to face education and blended learning as a whole. The project started with a formulation made by the teachers of the hypotheses concerning the possible added value of an e-Learning platform. This arose from their personal needs to innovate their education. Basically, the hypothesis centered on the role of the teachers, the role of the students and motivational, course concerned or learning skills.Action research has a direct impact on the education practice and the process of educational improvement, which continues after the initial project. Implementation of e-Learning requires consistent organization of the managing the group of educational activities and qualitative support by computer systems for increasing competitiveness on the educational field. An open source e-Learning platform is an appropriate environment for realizing bionational courses and joint education. Planning a common module for students in both institutions proved to be an extremely challenging task, compared to a course that is carried out by an institution from one country. The pilot courses provided the project team with some lessons and suggestions in this context. Using free open source software tools together with good communication can lead to a more positive university community. The expansion of information and communication technologies enables solving a lot of educational needs by the optimum way.
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e-Learning platforms, virtual learning environments, open source, blended learning
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