Diagnostic imaging, treatment and outcome in a 14-month-old Dobermann with brainstem gemistocytic astrocytoma


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A 14-month-old male neutered Dobermann presented for investigations into lingual paresis, dysphagia and proprioceptive ataxia of the pelvic limbs. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a mass lesion in the brainstem. Treatment with glucocorticoids and radiation therapy (RT) achieved a good quality of life for 6 months after which deterioration occurred. Repeated MRI revealed an expansion of the mass lesion after which the owners elected for the patient to be euthanised. Post-mortem histological examination and immunohistochemistry confirmed the presence of a gemistocytic astrocytoma. This case report describes the first case in the veterinary literature of a young dog with a brainstem gemistocytic astrocytoma treated with RT and glucocorticoids, with remission of clinical signs and excellent quality of life for 6 months after treatment.
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magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), neuroimaging, neurology, neuropathology, oncology, radiotherapy
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