Current Status And Future Perspectives About Molecular Biomarkers Of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma


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Simple Summary Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a serious major public health problem in its endemic countries. Up to 80% of NPC patients with locally advanced disease or distant metastasis at diagnosis were associated with poor prognosis and with median survival less than 4 months. The mortality rate of NPC metastasis is up to 91%. To date, there is no available curative treatment or reliable early diagnosis or prognosis for NPC. Discovery and development of reliable early diagnosis and prognosis biomarkers for nasopharyngeal carcinoma are urgent needed. Hence, we have here listed the potential early diagnosis and prognosis biomarker candidates for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. This review will give an insight to readers on the progress of NPC biomarker discovery to date, as well as future prospective biomarker development and their translation to clinical use. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is an epithelial malignancy that shows a remarkable ethnic and geographical distribution. It is one of the major public health problems in some countries, especially Southern China and Southeast Asia, but rare in most Western countries. Multifactorial interactions such as Epstein-Barr virus infection, individual's genetic susceptibility, as well as environmental and dietary factors may facilitate the pathogenesis of this malignancy. Late presentation and the complex nature of the disease have led it to become a major cause of mortality. Therefore, an effective, sensitive, and specific molecular biomarker is urgently needed for early disease diagnosis, prognosis, and prediction of metastasis and recurrence after treatment. In this review, we discuss the recent research status of potential biomarker discovery and the problems that need to be explored further for better NPC management. By studying the aberrant pattern of these candidate biomarkers that promote NPC development and progression, we are able to understand the complexity of this malignancy better, hence positing our stands better towards strategies that may provide a way forward to the discovery of more reliable and specific biomarkers for diagnosis and targeted therapeutic development.
nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), Epstein-Barr virus, epigenetics, biomarkers, therapeutic resistance
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