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Latest Jurassic-Early Cretaceous synrift evolution of the Torrelapaja Subbasin (Cameros Basin): implications for Northeast Iberia palaeogeography


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The reconstruction of the latest Jurassic-Early Cretaceous evolution of the Torrelapaja Subbasin (Cameros Basin, Spain) resulted in the characterization of three synrift sequences (SS-1, SS-2 and SS-3) bounded by major unconformities. Three major NW-SE normal faults combined with smaller scale faults of variable direction (around NE-SW) controlled the sedimentation. The complex geometry of the Torrelapaja Subbasin indicates a main extension direction of NE-SW, and a secondary NW-SE extension. Sedimentation of the Tithonian-middle Berriasian SS-1 occurred in alluvial fan systems, grading upwards to carbonate palustrine-lacustrine environments. A new vertebrate site with large size sauropod bones has been found in the middle part of SS-1. The lower boundary of the uppermost Hauterivian-lower Barremian SS-2 is locally a palaeokarst, with sedimentary infill including three new fossil sites with remains of ornithopod, sauropod and theropod dinosaurs. Sedimentation of SS-2 encompasses distal alluvial terrigenous facies with local palaeosoils and palustrine-lacustrine limestones grading upwards to middle-distal alluvial facies. After a late Barremian-early Albian stratigraphic gap, sedimentation resumed in coastal flat environments represented by the mudstones with intercalated skeletal (oyster-rich) sandy limestones with carbonaceous plant remains of the SS-3. A middle-late Albian age assignment of SS-3 based on regional correlation is supported by strontium isotopic data. This unit marks the first Early Cretaceous marine incursion in the area from the northern Atlantic realm. This is a notable change of the previous palaeogeographical reconstructions which established that the first marine encroachment occurred in the early Aptian and was sourced from Tethysian domains. 0 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Lower Cretaceous,Continental sedimentation,Extensional tectonics,Dinosaurs,Palaeogeography,Northeast Iberia
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