Film And Film Industry In Montenegro And Yugoslavia (1945-1951)


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The author analyses film and film industry in the period between 1945 and 1951 in socialist Yugoslavia and Montenegro. In the period of state centralism and administrative governance in Yugoslavia, the structuring of film industry started in Montenegro that, in relationship to other republics, had the weakest starting position - no previous tradition, poor material conditions, no necessary technology, equipment or professionals. The five-year development plan was supposed to significantly improve the conditions for the development of cultural activities, including film. As state and culture were managed from a single location, with clear ideological positions, this had to be reflected in film as well. Through different Agitprop commissions, the all-powerful Party managed state film companies, taking account of film quality as well, which very often only meant assessing ideological (un)suitability. On the one hand, film was a powerful tool to enlighten the masses, and on the other, its huge power of propaganda was detected, which could not be left to improvisation. It is safe to say that film was subjected to the most rigorous censorship. However, with all the flaws of such working methods, one cannot oversee the fact that in that period the foundations for film industry were laid for its further development in the country in which this type of industry had no pre-war tradition, excluding Croatia to a certain extent. Investing in film industry, the state contributed to the improvement of the overall cultural climate.
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Key words
film, film industry, culture, Agitprop, Yugoslavia, Montenegro
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