Analysis Of Erosive Potential In Areas Of Access To Geomorphosites In The Middle Araguari River Course, Amapa


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The geomorphosites are important geomorphological landscapes, with scientific and didactic values, and notable cenic beauty, which provide knowledge regarding the Earth evolutional processes and have geotourism potential. In Brazil, the areas with access to these sites present precarious infrastracture, enhanced by vegetation clearance and rainfall surplus, generating soils vulnerable to degradation. Erosion is one of the main types of soil degradation, where the highest rates are found in underdeveloped countries. This paper aims at analysing the erosive potential of three areas of access to geomorphosites, situated in Araguari river, in Amapa State. In each area, two sites were selected to collect disturbed and undisturbed soil samples, to analyse soil texture, bulk density and porosity. The areas of access have shown different values for soil texture, bulk density and porosity. The concentration of silt on the river bank, shows that crust formation is related to the highest values of bulk density and lower porosity. Therefore, the predominance of sandy texture implies on soil loss, due to the high drainage capacity. As a matter of fact, the erosive potential is high, due to sandy and silty soils, suggesting the use to residential, commercial and tourist goals.
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Key words
erosion, soils degradation, geoconservation
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