Step Bunches, Nanowires And Other Vicinal "Creatures"-Ehrlich-Schwoebel Effect By Cellular Automata


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Different patterns can be created on the surface of growing crystals, among which the step bunches and/or step meanders are two of the most studied. The Ehrlich-Schwoebel effect at the surface steps is considered one of the "usual suspects" of such patterning. A direct step barrier is when it is easier to attach a particle to the step from the lower terrace than from the upper terrace. Thus, during the process of crystal growth leads to the formation of meanders, while an inverse barrier leads to step bunching. Based on our vicinal Cellular Automaton model, but this time in (2 + 1)D, we show that the combination of a direct and inverse step barrier and the proper selection of the potential of the well between them leads to the formation of bunched step structures. Following this is the formation of anti-bands. In addition, changing the height of the direct step barrier leads to the growth of nanocolumns, nanowires, and nanopyramids or meanders, in the same system.
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crystal growth and instabilities, vicinal surfaces, surface patterning, step bunching and meandering, cellular automata, nanowires
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