The Salas Y G ? Omez And Nazca Ridges: A Review Of The Importance, Opportunities And Challenges For Protecting A Global Diversity Hotspot On The High Seas


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dwagner@conservation The Salas y G & acute;omez and Nazca ridges are two seamount chains of volcanic origin, which include over 110 sea mounts that collectively stretch across over 2,900 km in the southeastern Pacific. Ecosystems in this region are isolated by the Atacama Trench, the Humboldt Current System, and an extreme oxygen minimum zone. This isolation has produced a unique biodiversity that is marked by one of the highest levels of marine endemism on Earth. These areas also provide important habitats and ecological stepping stones for whales, sea turtles, corals, and a multitude of other ecologically important species, including 82 species that are threatened or endangered. Recent explorations in this region have documented one of the deepest light-dependent marine ecosystems on Earth, as well as numerous species that are new to science. Waters surrounding the Salas y G & acute;omez and Nazca ridges are mostly located in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ), with smaller portions located in the national waters of Chile and Peru. Within this region, Chile has already protected all the ridge features that fall
Area-based management tools, Conservation planning, Sectoral bodies, Seamounts, Southeast Pacific, Vulnerable marine ecosystems
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