Streptomyces Application Triggers Reassembly And Optimization Of The Rhizosphere Microbiome Of Cucumber


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Streptomyces partum Act12 and Streptomyces roche D74 are biocontrol strains that can promote plant growth and enhance stress resistance in different crops. However, their effects on the rhizosphere microbiome and the role of the reassembled microbiome in plant growth promotion and stress resistance enhancement remain unclear. This study investigated the variation in the rhizosphere microbiome induced by Streptomyces application through a cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. "Youliang") pot experiment. The bacterial and fungal communities of rhizosphere soils inoculated with and without Streptomyces were, respectively, compared based on 16S rRNA and internal transcribed spacer rRNA gene sequences. Following Streptomyces application, the bacterial alpha diversity increased significantly, while the fungal alpha diversity exhibited the opposite trend. The bacterial and fungal communities' compositions clearly shifted in the inoculated soil. Compared with the uninoculated control, the relative abundance of the genus Streptomyces increased by 68.3%, and the bacterial co-occurrence network in the rhizosphere soil was enriched significantly. The relative abundance of bacteria associated with nitrogen fixation was increased by 7.5% following Streptomyces application. Based on the results of this study, we conclude that the application of Streptomyces Act12 and D74 can be used to reassemble and optimize the rhizosphere microbiome of cucumber, which is conducive to plant survival.
Streptomyces biocontrol agent, cucumber, rhizosphere microbiome, microbial community composition, microbial function
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