Adding Polarimetric Imaging To Depth Map Using Improved Light Field Camera 2.0 Structure


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Polarization imaging plays an important role in various fields, especially for skylight navigation and target identification, whose imaging system is always required to be designed with high resolution, broad band, and single-lens structure. This paper describe such a imaging system based on light field 2.0 camera structure, which can calculate the polarization state and depth distance from reference plane for every objet point within a single shot. This structure, including a modified main lens, a multi-quadrants Polaroid, a honeycomb-liked micro lens array, and a high resolution CCD, is equal to an "eyes array", with 3 or more polarization imaging "glasses" in front of each "eye". Therefore, depth can be calculated by matching the relative offset of corresponding patch on neighboring "eyes", while polarization state by its relative intensity difference, and their resolution will be approximately equal to each other. An application on navigation under clear sky shows that this method has a high accuracy and strong robustness.
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Polarimetric imaging, Depth map, Light field camera 2.0, Computation imaging
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