Circadian regulation of night feeding and daytime detoxification in a formidable Asian pest Spodoptera litura


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Voracious feeding, trans-continental migration and insecticide resistance make Spodoptera litura among the most difficult Asian agricultural pests to control. Larvae exhibit strong circadian behavior, feeding actively at night and hiding in soil during daytime. The daily pattern of larval metabolism was reversed, with higher transcription levels of genes for digestion (amylase, protease, lipase) and detoxification (CYP450s, GSTs, COEs) in daytime than at night. To investigate the control of these processes, we annotated nine essential clock genes and analyzed their transcription patterns, followed by functional analysis of their coupling using siRNA knockdown of interlocked negative feedback system core and repressor genes (SlituClk, SlituBmal1 and SlituCwo). Based on phase relationships and overexpression in cultured cells the controlling mechanism seems to involve direct coupling of the circadian processes to E-boxes in responding promoters. Additional manipulations involving exposure to the neonicotinoid imidacloprid suggested that insecticide application must be based on chronotoxicological considerations for optimal effectiveness. Zhang et al. show that the circadian gene coupling between night feeding and day detoxification is regulated through the binding of circadian elements to E-boxes in Spodoptera litura, one of the most difficult Asian agricultural pests to control. Exposure of these larvae to a pesticide affects them more at night than during the day, suggesting the need for time-of-day considerations for pesticide application.
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