Towards A Continuous, Non-Linear, And Collaborative Model Of Investigation


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This article proposes a continuous, non-linear, iterative, and collaborative model for the investigation process used to identify and deal with criminal and security problems, relying on key concepts such as entropy, hypothetical-deductive reasoning, scientific method, and iterative thinking. The model focuses on the inferential and intellectual aspects of investigations rather than the procedural aspects, which can vary depending on the country in which the crime was committed or the type of crime. Inspired by existing theories of investigation, this model offers a coherent and integrative framework for processing information and understanding events and phenomena. The model provides guidance for investigators in reasoning and decision-making and situates their contributions during the investigation process. It should ultimately facilitate collaboration between different stakeholders (investigators, criminal analysts, digital investigators, and criminalists) to help them achieve their common objectives in the service of justice, security, and society. Using situations and examples drawn from our work, we describe the intellectual path that led us to develop this progressive and collaborative model. The model, which places meeting places at its centre, undermines the traditional barriers between theory and practice. The challenges, advantages, and limits of this model are also discussed.
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Key words
Method, process, reasoning, decision, collaboration, enquiry
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