Economic Transformation Of Post-Communist Small Towns: Case Study Of The Lower Spis Region, Slovakia


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The aim of this paper is to examine how small towns have tackled the economic transformation in the post-communist period. It aims to contribute to the comprehensive research of post-communist transformation at different hierarchic levels of settlement system. The study is spatially focused on the Lower Spig region in Eastern Slovakia as it includes various kinds of small towns at relatively small area. Based on data provided by population censuses in 1991, 2001 and 2011, we assess development of economic performance of the towns by number of jobs, sectoral structure of jobs, ability to provide jobs for local economically active population, and spatial extent of commuting zones. The results prove that post-communist small towns remained important subregional centers of employment and commuting in general. They sustain even though some of them were affected by the recession of industrial sector and their economic base was established or substantially supported by the socialist industrialization. The growth of small towns' economic importance was recorded in the proximity of the major regional town - Spisska Nova Ves, mainly thanks to decentralization of economic activities.
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Key words
small towns, Slovakia, Lower Spis, post-communist, economy, commuting
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