The Application of Non-Newtonian Fluid Speed Reducer in Human-Oriented Traffic Concept

2019 4th International Conference on Electromechanical Control Technology and Transportation (ICECTT)(2019)

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Modern cities are based on single-nuclear cities, and they have evolved into the center-edge cities. The urban centers are gradually connected with the suburbs by means of transportation networks. The promotion of urbanization puts forward new requirements for urban comprehensive transportation systems. To the road, any infrastructure should be adapted to the main body of the city's activities: the basic needs of "people". Urban transportation has fully entered the era of combining hardware support and soft wealth generated by improving the use of residents. This paper revolves around the core concept of people-oriented, firstly analyzes the impact of urban road infrastructure construction on social welfare from the perspective of human-oriented transportation, and introduces non-Newtonian fluid deceleration belts by means of data analysis. This paper analyzes its application value in real life, and puts forward suggestions for improvement on this basis.
Non-newtonian Fluid Speed Reducer,human-oriented transportation,urban road design,urban transportation sharing products
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