Attitudes Of Undergraduate Students In Three Jordanian Universities Towards Climate Change Impacts On Agriculture And A Proposed Educational Course About Climate Change


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Climate change is reported all around as one of the major concerning issues due to its adverse impacts on many aspects of life including agriculture. In Jordan such important issue is not researched extensively yet. In this study, (250) undergraduate students in three Jordanian public universities have responded to a questionnaire that asses their attitudes toward the climate change impacts on agriculture. Data revealed that agriculture is highly impacted by climate change from the point view of the students (total mean -4.00). Moreover, students saw that climate change has also impacted, while they saw that climate change negative impacts on animal production were medium (3.62). Meanwhile, most of the participants saw that food industries sector was strongly altered climate change. On other hand, the participants agreed to a medium level with the contents of a proposed educational university course to enrich their knowledge about climate change, while most of them preferred educational seminars to strengthen their recognition about climate change and its consequences on agriculture. Meanwhile, no statistical significant differences were observed at level of (0.05) in the attitudes of undergraduate students towards climate change negative impacts on agriculture attributed to gender, major and academic year. Our results might be helpful for future studies that would investigate the level of environmental awareness of Jordanian people.
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Agriculture, Climate change, Impacts, Jordan, Undergraduate students, Universities
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