The Effects Of Micro-Granulated Fertilization On Pollination And Yield Of Hybrid Seed Corn


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This study is carried on to identify the effects of micro-granulated fertilization on pollination and yield of hybrid seed corn. On the trial that set up as random parcels, the inbreds of a Monsanto simple corn hybrid are used. We have control parcels without micro-granulated fertilizer and test parcels with micro-granulated fertilizer applied. The results of the study help us draw valuable conclusions regarding the efficiency of the application of micro-granulated fertilizer at planting in seed corn and its effect on pollination nicking: the time from planting to emergence was shorter on average by 2 days which helped fast development during early vegetation stages; in 4 leaf stage the root of the corn with micro-granulated fertiliser applied at planting was 20% more developed than the root of the control; at 8 leaf stage we can observe the 20% difference in root development; the plants had a faster development which helped reach flowering time 4-5 day's before the control; the earlier start of flowering compared to the control resulted in a better protection from draught limiting its protandric effects thus generating a higher percentage of pollinated kernels; plant height and vigour were obviously increased compared to the control showing better resistance to disease and flattening; we observed a superior ear development from a size standpoint and a higher Thousand Kernel Weight. Most importantly following the study we can observe that the parcel fertilized with micro-granulated fertilizer had a higher yield by 1104 kg per hectare.
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micro-granulated fertilizer, pollination, nicking, yield
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