Teaching Anatomy And Physiology: The Meeting As An Instructional Strategy

A. Mohedano-Moriano, B. Domingo,S. Cebada-Sanchez,M. C. Cipriano-Crespo, J. Gonzalez-Gonzalez,O. Lopez-Martin,S. Llorens, J. V. Moncho-Bogani, B. Moro,B. Polonio-Lopez,M. Rodriguez-Hernandez, I. Ubeda-Banon,A. Vinuela, M. T. Gil


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Master class or traditional lecture can lead students to passive learning, so that the students collect pertinent information from the teacher without establishing any feedback with the teacher. Motivation of the student is essential for their learning. The stimulus is initiated when the students succeed in converting their role from a passive observer to an active learner. Teachers should take the initiative and apply active learning tools to encourage the students, like making lectures more interactive to get them think critically and discuss their ideas. Our aim is to observe the effect of sharing the information received from teachers with their schoolmates using "The meeting strategy".Our study was carried out during the first year of Occupational Therapy Degree about topics related to the cell structure (organelles, molecular composition, etc.) included on the first theme of the Anatomy and Physiology subject. We designed a poster session in which student teams (4-5 students per team) were selected and each picked a specific topic. Students performed and presented the posters in the hall. The meeting lasted three hours, and was divided into two parts: one dedicated to the formal oral communication where students individually explained the content of the posters to their schoolmates, and the second part focused on free visiting to all posters.We collected the impressions of the students regarding this new implementation with a student satisfaction survey. The results of the survey shown that more than the 90 percent of the students considered this activity as very attractive and useful to learn and to acquire more knowledge compared with master class.
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Meeting, teaching methods, active learning, higher education
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